Virus Removal

Virus Removal

 Virus & Malware Removal

Safeguard your personal data and restore your machine to full functionality.

Symptoms of a virus can be: Slow running machine – web pages not loading – Files not opening – Programs not launching – Bogus messages reporting that you have many virus infections – Bogus messages reporting that your PC needs software installing to speed it up or fix it.

No one anti-virus will protect you from all the viruses out there and malware is becoming more and more of a problem every day.  We use different types of software to make sure we get rid of anything that shouldn’t be on your system, and do a general clean up of your computer or laptop to make sure all is running as it should.  We will even install some free anti-virus software to make sure you are protected if you haven’t got any.  Or we can install a ‘paid for’ anti-virus software for less than most.


Virus removal just £45.00!